segunda-feira, 21 de abril de 2014

Women Cultural Diversity

Women cultural diversity
Right to cultural diversity and the right to equality between men and women, without discrimination of sexual orientation are concepts present in the composition of prescriptions that contemporaneously, is defined as human rights. Concepts are also falling in anthropological knowledge and feminist knowledges.
Habits and values ​​shared by a group of women.

To feel good looking women exercising in a relaxed way , for dance groups . This kind of art works as a therapy and it brings them benefits for the body and mind. The dance is highly sought after by women , an instrument of fun and shows where they sensualize power because women like to feel masterful , or better , saying they are powerful , this is just one of several female cultures and one of that call more attention of the male universe .


One of the most important things for women's health with good nutrition, giving preference to nutritious and colorful salads . In every place we can find the typical foods of each region thus making a diverse cuisine. 

 Currently women are concerned to look pretty so use details that did not go unnoticed to the looks that are around you, and to keep its good looks complete abuses in jewelry, makeup and clothes.

The taste for music is a strong feature of the feminine universe. Its variety provides a rhythm to every moment of life, with songs specific to childhood , adolescence , adulthood and old age.

Currently women are not only concerned with domestic activities , but with a good appearance, to achieve the desired body practice physical exercises , diets and undergo surgeries all in pursuit of beauty .


Quotations about women.

"A beautiful woman is not one of those who praise the legs or arms, but one whose entire appearance is of such beauty that leaves no possibility to admire the separate parts ."

" Woman is really interesting , even angry is beautiful, even cheerful, cries , even shy , celebrates , even passionate , ignores , even fragile is powerful!"
Unknown Author

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