quarta-feira, 16 de abril de 2014

Emily Dickinson

Emily Dinckison (Amherst, December 10, 1830-May 15, 1886) was an American poet, considered modern in various aspects of her work. Throughout her life, has not published more than ten poems, sometimes anonymously, and had her numerous work recognized only postmortem.

Beauty – be not caused – It Is
Chase it, and it ceases -
Chase it not, and it abides

Overtake the Creases -
In the Meadow – when the Wind
Run his fingers thro’ it -
Deity will see to it
That You never do it (p. 26)

Beauty is revealed only in the exaltation of sublime, his quest traverses not only mountainous paths of light sensations, but also others of them mixed. Dickinson warns about the deceit of the beauty apparently easy and within reach of the hands.

Nature rarely uses yellow
Then another Hue
Saves she all of that for Sunsets
Prodigal of Blue
Spending Scarlet, like a Woman
Yellow she affords
Only scantly and selectly
Like a Lover’s Words (p. 22)

At first the terms of contrast – the beautiful images and "faux pas" – appears recurrently nature. The natural scenaries serve to show the beauty country scenarios and encrusted stations, and also to awaken the senses to sensory experiences in pictures full of life and color.

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