segunda-feira, 21 de abril de 2014

The five financial mistakes that can ruin a marriage.

That story about men pay the bills and women take care of the house is already more than exceeded. With women in the labor market and the natural division of financial responsibilities, couples had to learn to handle money together. And it has not been easy.According to international research, financial problems are the main causes of conflict in marriage. But it is possible to save the love of anything romantic bonds that money (and lack thereof) just in creating life together. Selected from the list below the 5 largest financial pierced that destroy any relationship. Learn how to protect them. 
1 - Avoid conversations about money.
We know that talk about "breaking any climate, but sometimes it is necessary. By avoiding frank conversations on the subject, many couples are becoming strangers in their own home. The trick to circumvent the problem is to make him an appointment as a meeting scheduled date and time. Or make it a habit to plan expenditure together money”. Whatever works best for them.

2 - Think that love can buy happiness.
A University Brigham in the United States found that couples who have at least one materialistic spouse to the extreme are unhappy than those who have more light money relationship with. Give more importance to the pocket than to love is always a bad habit for the health of the relationship.

3 - Ignore compulsive shopping.
Compulsive or careless finances consumers tend to marry people of similar personality. The University of Utah found that unnecessary spending lead to an unhappy marriage and 45 % increase in the chance of divorce want to save marriage? So control yourself!
4 - Hide spending.
About 80 % of spouses hide purchases from partner, according to research from independent consulting Cesi Debt Solutions. And men who are more hide where the money goes the month. The behavior was still considered a type of infidelity worse than extramarital ears for 30 % of cases. The best thing is to be transparent!
5 - Not enjoy the money together.
Research indicates that spending money on new experiences produce more satisfaction than material purchases. So why spend only what is trivial? More than a source of stress, money is a result of efforts and a means to achieve dreams and solve problems. With some things you can not save.

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